Sum Insured helps reduce the risk of underinsurance by providing the most accurate replacement models in the market, building confidence for consumers and underwriters.
Each day thousands of people across Australia and New Zealand review their property insurance, whether they are taking out insurance for the first time, renewing with their existing insurer or checking the market for options.
At Sum Insured, our proprietary models power most insurers across Australia and New Zealand, so when consumers review their insurance needs, the chances are they’re doing so using one of our models.
Our research indicates that 65% of households are underinsured, presenting a range of risks for both household and insurer. That’s where our models can help, creating more certainty, reducing risk and improving outcomes.
Sum Insured helps reduce the risk of underinsurance by providing the most accurate replacement models in the market, building confidence for consumers and underwriters.
Each day thousands of people across Australia and New Zealand review their property insurance, whether they are taking out insurance for the first time, renewing with their existing insurer or checking the market for options.
At Sum Insured, our proprietary models power most insurers across Australia and New Zealand, so when consumers review their insurance needs, the chances are they’re doing so using one of our models.
Our research indicates that 65% of households are underinsured, presenting a range of risks for both household and insurer. That’s where our models can help, creating more certainty, reducing risk and improving outcomes.
Our Partners
Protect Clients
Our replacement cost models help customers understand their contents insurance needs, helping them choose the appropriate level of cover and reduce the propensity of under insurance.
Improve Satisfaction
In a tight market, a pleasant claims process is important for customer retention and satisfaction.
Sum Insured models help customers achieve the appropriate level of cover so if a claim is necessary, they don’t suffer the shock and disappointment of underinsurance.
Products for every situation
Our proprietary models are built with a wide variety of source data, up to date statistics and our own in depth research to provide instant replacement cost estimates for each industry segment.
To help understand the depth of our models, it’s useful to consider our data pyramid for residential properties which features four key levels of data, progressively becoming more finite:
Property location, type and occupancy type
Number and make of up occupants
Room numbers and types
Consideration for the quality and quantity of contents
This extensive range of data ensures our models are able to build bespoke replacement cost quotes for any property to a high level of accuracy.
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